Thursday 3rd December
Today we went round a great exhibition called ‘Les Machines de L’ile’, this was in the old shipyards of Nantes. The project had set about to design and build moving and working machines, which resembled drawings by Leonardo De Vinci. The machines were mainly animals made from metal and carved wood that could move like the animals.
We wondered around the exhibition were the staff demonstrated these incredible machines by getting members of the public to get in them and work them, moving their jaws or fines, etc. This was great but the only problem was although the stories and the speeches made by the staff seemed very interesting, we didn’t understand a word of them as they were in French! It’s hard to describe these machines but take a look at the photos. The best machine though was the giant elephant, that people could take a ride on, amazing take a look at the video. This is an ongoing project and they are building more machines, and when you go round you can view the workshops. It seems a great project to be involved in, and would recommend anyone to go and see it, it really captures the imagination and what individuals can create.