A Travellerspoint blog

Sunday 3rd January

Started heading for the coast of Portugal, through lovely winding hilly roads overlooking beautiful valleys. We were in one of their national parks but already I liked the look of Portugal more than Spain. The north is supposed to be the poorer part of Portugal and you can tell from the houses and way of life here, but I find it adds charming character. As it was going dark we decided to head around the lakes to find a spot to park for the night. This idea went a bit wrong as we ended going up and down small hilly roads in the dark and then realised we were lost as none of the names of places were on our map! We eventually stumbled upon a lake down one of the small roads with a small parking area and decided to stop here. We would work out the way back to the main road in the daylight of tomorrow.


Posted by marklorna 08:34

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